JProfiler 是一個全功能的Java剖析工具(profiler),專用於分析J2SE和J2EE應用程式。它把CPU、執行緒和記憶體的剖析組合在一個強大的應用中。JProfiler提供許多IDE和應用伺服器整合用途。
JProfiler直覺式的GUI讓你可以找到效能瓶頸、抓出記憶體漏失(memory leaks)、並解決執行緒的問題。它讓你得以對heap walker作資源回收器的root analysis,可以輕易找出記憶體漏失;heapsnapshot模式讓未被參照(reference)的物件、稍微被參照的物件、或在終結 (finalization)佇列的物件都會被移除;整合精靈以便剖析瀏覽器的Java外掛功能。
Profiler supports profiling on the following platforms:
Mac OS X
New features:
» Support for MongoDB 5.2
» Support for Spring WebFlux client 6.1.14+
» Support for ktor 3
» Prevent native agent warning for Java 24+
Bug fixes:
» Regression in JProfiler 14.0.3: Remote attach to a Docker container with a user switch via sudo did not work anymore
» Fixed remote attach to Docker containers with a different architecture for certain situations
jsPlumb Toolkit 是一個先進的、符合標準的、易於使用的JS庫,用於構建基於連接的應用程式,如流程圖、工藝流程圖、序列圖、組織圖等。可與Angular、React、Vue 2或Vanilla JS一起使用。
JsPlumb 提供了一組軟體包來幫助您快速建立功能強大的應用程序,其重點是圖表和視覺連接。 JsPlumb 的一些主要功能包括
A powerful declarative mechanism for defining the appearance and behaviour of the various parts of your UI.
Data binding via client side templates, supporting declarative configuration of connectivity.
An underlying directed graph, allowing you to query the data in several ways.
A pan/zoom widget with the ability to serialize its state (either manually or automatically) to local storage or cookies.
A miniview widget to assist in the navigation of large datasets.
Automatic layouts (Hierarchy, Force directed, Circular, Balloon, Absolute), plus the ability to write your own.
Data load/save Either automatically or on-demand.
Angular integration Deep integration with Angular. All versions from 2 - 16 are supported.
React integration Supporting React 16+ and NextJS.
Vue 2 integration
Vue 3 integration including the composition API.
Svelte 3 integration
Compile code in real time, allowing to visualise the interface instantly
Live coding environment for any type of code, including sound
Live coding per component, allowing to test parts of your project individually
Use in conjunction with any IDE
Manipulate graphically the values of variables and literals with sliders and colour picker
In addition to this revolutionary live coding environment, the Projucer is also a cross-platform project management tool that can export platform-specific projects for your IDE:
Manage your projects across all platforms
C++ code editor
Export Xcode projects for OSX and iOS
Export Visual Studio projects up to VS2015
Export Android Studio projects
Create Linux makefiles
Export Code::Blocks projects
Push Notifications
JUCE現在支持iOS和Android上的通知。可以從JUCE應用程序發送和接收本地通知,以及從Apple推送通知服務或Google Firebase接收遠程通知。用戶可以直接通過通知與JUCE應用程序進行交互,方法是按下通知中嵌入的按鈕或根據需要輸入文本響應。支持的平台包括iOS 10或更早版本,以及Android O或更早版本(低至Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich)。隨附的演示應用程序展示了每個平台上本地通知的可用設置以及接收遠程通知。
CLion Exporter
Projucer現在包含一個CLion導出器,使JUCE用戶能夠在JetBrains最先進的C ++ IDE中編輯和編譯他們的項目。CLion導出器生成一個CMakeLists.txt,可以在MacOS,Windows和Linux上打開。
Analytics Module
JUCE 5.2包含一個新模塊,其中包含的類使您可以更輕鬆地從應用程序中收集分析。新的示例應用程序AnalyticsCollection說明瞭如何使用此新模塊將應用使用信息傳輸到Google Analytics。同時還支持同時登錄其他分析集合端點(如Firebase)。
Detailed list of new Features
Support for CMake exporter
Support for JUCE apps sending analytics with various analytics backends
Added a company copyright field to the project settings
The Projucer will now automatically copy your plug-in files to the correct folders on Windows
Added an option to set the debug information format for each build configuration to the VS exporter
Added support for adding asm files to Android projects
Added a link-time optimisation option to all exporters
Added more thorough checking of pkg-config dependencies
Added a device family option to the iOS exporter
Added a "Header search paths" field to the project settings page that will be used for all exporters
Live-build reliability and usability improvements
Audio/MIDI and Plug-Ins
Added support for AUv2 Midi Effect plug-in hosting
Added support for Atmos 7.0.2 and 7.1.2 Surround formats
Added support for the OGG sub-format inside a WAV file
Added support for querying the audio hardware on how many overruns/underruns occurred
Enabled non-message thread creation of AudioProcessorValueTreeState
Added a method MidiMessage::withTimeStamp, and some MidiMessageSequence unit-tests
JumpStart C for AVR
在一個軟體包中,您可以在幾小時內(而不是幾天或幾週)內對Atmel AVR MCU進行編程,從而提高工作效率。JumpStart C for AVR甚至包括一個集成的可視化調試器(需要單獨購買許可證)。
In a single package, you can be productive with programming Atmel AVR MCUs in a matter of hours, instead of days or weeks. JumpStart C for AVR even includes an integrated visual debugger (separate license purchase required).
Major Features of JumpStart C Tools
Professional IDE with workspace/project management, syntax aware features, code browsing etc.
No need to write linker command files. Select target device by name and our tools do the rest.
Full set of compiler tools including C compiler, assembler, linker and library file manager.
Produce standard format output files, interspersed C and asm listing files, and symbolic debug files.
Target specific and machine independent optimizations.
Native debugger, integrated with the IDE.
Built-in flash downloader.
SSIS Integration Toolkit - Ultimate Edition
One license key, any SSIS Integration Toolkit
我們的解決方案基於Microsoft SQL Server,利用SQL Server Integration Services作為ETL平台,可實現與幾乎任何應用程序或數據庫系統的數據集成。
Ultimate Edition包括用於多個企業應用程序(如Microsoft Dynamics 365,Salesforce,SharePoint等)的數據集成解決方案,以便於在各種應用程序或數據庫之間檢索和寫入數據。Ultimate Edition還包括SSIS Productivity Pack,這是一系列先進的SSIS組件,可以提高開發人員的工作效率。
KingswaySoft SSIS
一個許可證密鑰,用於啟用所有SSIS Integration Toolkit和SSIS Productivity Pack產品。
訪問任何新的SSIS Integration Toolkit產品並在發布後立即更新。*
The SSIS Integration Toolkit - Ultimate Edition is the must-have collection for all KingswaySoft SSIS Integration products. Click on the products below to learn more about each solution included with the Ultimate Edition.
Data Integration Application Connectivity Solutions
CRM Applications
Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE/CRM
Oracle CRM On Demand
Marketing Applications
Constant Contact
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing
Oracle Marketing Cloud
Directory Services
Active Directory
Content Management
Google Services
Google Ads
Google Analytics
Google BigQuery
Google Sheets
ERP Applications
Microsoft Dynamics 365 FO/AX
Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC/NAV
Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics SL
HRIS Applications
Development Platform
Microsoft Common Data Service
Microsoft PowerApps
Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft SharePoint
Team Foundation Server
Message Queue
Amazon SQS
Azure Service Bus
IBM MQ/WebSphere MQ
Accounting & Commerce
Customer Service
Cloud Storage
Amazon S3
當您開始使用 Kiuwan 雲端應用程式品質管理工具! 即可開始輕鬆簡單分析各種程式語言所開發出來的應用程式,並提供多元化的評量的報告,還可以依照評量結果進行技術提升及缺陷管理,以維持良好的軟體品質。
簡便:現在只需與友環申請註冊,您便可獲得 Kiuwan 提供的所有強大功能,登入後只需點擊幾下滑鼠即可實現。簡單易用的介面顯示您需要的所有資訊,從您應用程式的整體健康狀況到發現的缺陷的詳情等。
快速:利用 Kiuwan,您可以在幾分鐘內準備就緒,開始正常運行。無需安裝和配置。Kiuwan 分析程式擁有業內最快的速度。您將在幾分鐘內擁有一目了然的結果、指示器、衡量指標和缺陷資訊。
To protect our infrastructure, we allow up to 3 analysis per application a day. Which is almost the same as saying: As many as you want! We actually encourage you to meassure as often as you can —and make sense in your application lifecycle—. Even every day, if you make significat changes daily. We just charge you to keep the application data available, no matter how much data there is. We think it’s a darn good deal.
Softerra LDAP Administrator 是首屈一指的Explorer 風格LDAP 客戶端,專為Windows 設計。 如果您是專業的軟件研發人員或系統管理員,Softerra LDAP Administrator 將幫助您更輕鬆有效地查看與分析LDAP 目錄。
界面簡便直觀,具有獨特的條目創建嚮導,完全支持所有最流行的LDAPv3 服務器,並有許多其他強大功能。 在Softerra LDAP Administrator 的研發過程中,我們特別注意確保應用程序能快速處理大量數據,這在製定可行的電子商務解決方案時至關重要。
對致力於創建與維護包含各種基於LDAP 組件的複雜系統的人來說,Softerra LDAP Administrator 是不可或缺的工具。 例如,這些系統可以是基於LDAP 的分佈式電子郵件系統或公共密鑰管理系統,使用各種LDAP 服務器例如Active Directory, Novell Directory Services 或Netscape/iPlanet。
Softerra LDAP Browser 是Softerra LDAP Administrator 的輕量級版本,功能有限,但無論作為何種用途(包括商業用途),均可免費使用! 與Softerra LDAP Administrator 不同,Browser 不允許用戶修改LDAP 目錄。
What’s New in LDAP Administrator 2025
This release brings major improvements to reports – creating new reports and editing the existing ones has become much easier. Here’s what’s new in LDAP Administrator 2025.
Create and edit reports in the UI
Now, you can create and modify reports directly in the application. Manually editing XML report files is a thing of the past.
A handy wizard will guide you through report creation in a matter of minutes.
Configure report parameters
Adding parameters to a report is basically selecting the parameter type and going through a couple more steps to configure it.
For example, you can fiddle with restrictions on parameter values – make a datetime parameter accept dates only within a certain range.
Adjust scope and filters
Stating the obvious, you can configure the report scope and the search filter. The not-so-obvious part is that you can use parameters within the filter, allowing you to generate different search results depending on the provided parameter value.
Customize views
Every report has a default set of columns as well as sorting and grouping settings. Needless to say, these are also fully customizable.
Organize reports your way
Guess what, the report folder structure can also be reorganized and its contents renamed as you see fit. Moving and copying reports or report containers via drag-and-drop is fully supported.
Export and import reports
You can now transfer reports anywhere by exporting them to a file and importing them on another device. Seamless import of custom report files from older versions comes as a bonus.
Save and load report configurations
Reports are now part of the application configuration, allowing you to save and load them along with the rest of your settings.
Restore to default settings
If you accidentally mess up a bulit-in report, you can restore it to its initial state with a single click. The same goes for the built-in report folder structure.
LightningChart for .NET 圖表工具/圖表控件
WinForms 和 WPS 繪製 2D 和 3D 資料視覺化功能強大 SDK
新版 GPU 加速的函式庫,大量資料也可快速繪製漂亮圖表
支持 Windows 11
需安裝 .NET framework v4.0 或更新版本
LightningChart 業界最快速 、最先進的圖表控件,支援 WPF 和 WinForms
由芬蘭控件開發公司 Arction 開發的 LightningChart 圖表控件徹底發揮了 GPU 加速和性能優化的最大效益,能即時呈現龐大資料,廣泛應用於科學研究、工程、醫療、航空、貿易、金融、能源等領域做即時測量和分析應用等等。
徹底發揮了 GPU 超速和 DirectX 底層性能優化來呈現大數據,並確保最高性能
在選定的系列類型中,通過 NaN或指定的分隔值斷開資料
支持 DirectX 11 與 DirectX 9
系統中 WARP 自動渲染軟體,無需獨立顯卡
HiDPI 縮放支持
支援運行於 32 位元和 64 位元系統模式
與 Visual Studio 2022 和 .NET 6 完全相容
System requirements
Check if the computer configuration meets the requirements
– DirectX 9.0c (shader model 3) level graphics adapter or newer, or DirectX11 compatible operating system for rendering without graphics hardware. DirectX11 compatible graphics hardware recommended.
– Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11, as 32 bit or 64 bit, Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher.
– Visual Studio 2010-2022 for development, not required for deployment. NOTE, for several latest LightningChart versions at least Visual Studio 2022 is required, because .NET Framework 4.6 and above is used. Visual Studio 2022 is required for .NET (5, 6, 7, 8) projects.
– .NET framework v. 4.0 or newer installed. NOTE, only LightningChart version prior v10.0.1 was targeting .NET Framework 4.0. For later versions target .NET Framework version was increase, and LightningChart v11.0.1 already target .NET Framework 4.8.
.NET compatibility
Before LightningChart version 11.0.1 it was built primary for .NET framework, but is also compatible with the following .NET versions:
– .NET Framework 4.x
– .NET Core 3.0 and 3.1
– .NET 5
– .NET 6
– .NET 7
– .NET 8
Staring from LightningChart version 11.0.1, library is build targeting .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET 6.0. Project's (where library will be used) build target framework should be the same or higher.
.NET application can use libraries build for .NET Framework as well as .NET. When using the .NET Framework targeting library in .NET application, Visual Studio ma...
Linqer SQL to LINQ 語句轉換工具
Linqer 是一個 SQL 到 LINQ 的轉換工具。它有助於學習 LINQ 並轉換現有的 SQL 語句。
Not every SQL statement can be converted to LINQ, but Linqer covers many different types of SQL expressions. Linqer supports both .NET languages - C# and Visual Basic.
Because LINQ is a part of the C# and VB languages, it is sensitive to data type conversion. Linqer performs required type castings in the produced LINQ statements.
It can convert the most usable SQL Server functions. The full list of supported MSSQL functions can be found here.
You need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 ,Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 , or Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed on your computer to be able to use Linqer. Visual Studio needs to be installed, in order to use the SqlMetal tool to generate LINQ to SQL model files or the EdmGen tool to generate LINQ to Entities model files.